Why we started making Salve It

Salve It was born from the experience of managing the pain of a family members cancer. Searching for natural non-toxic solutions proved to be daunting task. While using a combination of western medicine and natural alternatives, we stumbled upon a cannabis balm that actually had a noticeable pain relieving effect. The cannabis balm or salve as it’s also called became an essential part of our treatment plan. We used this cannabis salve daily, all over the body, wherever the pain seemed to move to.

From that point forward we knew without a doubt in our minds, using cannabis topically works. Cannabis is not just some drug to smoke and get high, it’s serious medicine, and using it topically should be a standard in any persons pain treatment modalities.

Formulated with purity and potency in mind

Our premium cannabis salves are the result of over a year of trial and error, getting the right look, feel and most importantly, the right combination of herbs to ensure a truly medicinal topical salve. We are constantly experimenting with new formulas and combinations, and will continue to adjust our products with the goal of constant improvement. We will never sacrifice quality or potency for profit. Our goal with all of our cannabis balms and salves is to make a difference in your life, to ease your pain, any and all maladies.

Certified Organic herbs used

No Toxic ingredients ~ 100% natural

Have any questions, comments or suggestions on our products?