Frequently Asked Questions

We do our best to source as many certified organic herbs and ingredients however, they may not always be easily available or quality may be inferior to other wild-crafted sources. All ingredients used in our salves and balms are carefully selected to produce a highly potent, clean medicinal product, free of pesticides, herbicides, gmo’s, heavy metals, petro-chemicals, or any other harmful substances.

On average, our formulas, we would say are about 80% certified organic, and the rest being carefully selected wild-crafted and/or gmo-free substances.

With any natural product, everyone is different, everybody reacts differently to substances. We recommend spot testing any formula first on a small area of skin to test reactivity before using it liberally.

With that said, all of our formulas are tested for potency, pesticides, heavy metals, and microbials. We ensure that what you put on your skin is safe and free from any contaminants and undesirables.

We randomly select batches to be sent to an approved lab for testing of cannabinoids, pesticides, microbials and heavy metals. Test results will be posted on our lab results page here shortly.

Coconut and Olive are both great base oils due to their nourishing effects on the skin, compatibility with most skin types, and non reactive properties for highly sensitive or allergic individuals.

MCT oil is also highly absorbed into the skin, bringing all the infused herbs with it to where your body needs it most. Olive oil on the other hand provides a smoothness, a silkiness, that nourishes and protects the outer skin layer while still allowing it’s infused components to penetrate efficiently.

We also add other companion oils at lower concentrations such as Jojoba and Castor to achieve a perfect balance of absorption, look and feel.

THC is now finally being recognized for its exceptional ability to help with pain. Recent studies are showing promise with this cannabinoid known for its psychoactive effects mainly, working in unison with other cannabinoids like cbd to act on pain receptors in the body.

While we make no specific health claims regarding this ingredient in our products, we do recognize it as valuable addition that may have great benefit to the human body.

THCA; the inactivated version of THC, is also being studied for its pain reducing effects. Anecdotal evidence shows great promise in the area of pain relief as well.

As with all cannabis products, they are known to work best in its natural form, with all cannabinoids present.

Absolutely not! THC absorbed via your body’s largest organ the skin does not penetrate the bloodstream. It does however act on pain receptors in the tissues and skin where it is applied. It’s tough to say how much it penetrates into the body, anecdotal reports show deep muscle and joint pain to be reached by the healing cannabinoids.

Our salves are made with several forms of cannabis to provide you with the full range of benefits this medicinal plant has to offer, otherwise known as the entourage effect. We include a potent organic full extract cannabis oil (RSO or Rick Simpson Oil), organic fresh cannabis flower, a full spectrum THC D9 extract, and an organic full spectrum CBD extract. These three potent forms of cannabis are combined with other potent herbs to produce an unmatched medicinal salve to assist you and your daily ailments.

We are currently in the works of producing cannabis free salves for each type that are great for traveling when cannabis based products are not allowed at your destination. We also understand due to a variety of reasons, some people may prefer to avoid any cannabis based products, and still have a potent all natural ointment that you can take with you everywhere and apply anytime.

Due to the addition of beeswax, they cannot be considered vegan. Our decision to use beeswax vs an alternative wax such as candelilla wax is due to the incredible benefits beeswax provides to the skin and composition of the salve. Beeswax is rich in vitamin A, attracts moisture to the skin and locks it in, along with all the potent medicinal components that are in all of our salves.

Due to the potent, 100% natural plant extract formulation and it being an oil based product, it is possible with very light colored clothing, however we have never had any complaints for this. To minimize this possibility, we recommended massaging the salve into your skin very thoroughly and waiting until completely absorbed before wearing light colored clothing you don’t want to mess up.

Our infused medicinal herbal oils are highly concentrated and produced to the highest standards. When concentrating herbs into oils, specifically our potent medicinal herbs, and when produced properly, the oils soak up all the goodness of the plant including the dark pigments of many barks, twigs, flowers and leaves.

Our site will be regularly updated with all available locations to purchase from, our salves are only available for direct purchase here on Salve It and at Kannabis Kulture Online Dispensary.

By ordering directly on our site, we are currently accepting credit cards (Visa & Mastercard), Interac e-transfers, and crypto currencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP shortly).

We are currently charging the lowest possible and do not make money on shipping charges, in fact we often lose money. Our standard rate across Canada is $15 via Expedited Parcel Service (1-7 business days), and $19 via XpressPost Service (1-3 business days). Please select your option at checkout.

We do offer free shipping on orders over $250 for retail orders.